Saturday, 21 June 2014


                                                            1)   DID YOU KNOW

                                                      A frog swallows with it's eyes!

A frog shoots out its long, sticky tongue to catch the insects and  small animals it feeds on.To swallow the food, the frog blinks its bulging eyes. This pushes the huge eyeballs down the top of its mouth, witch squeezes the food into its throat                                


                                                             2)  DID YOU KNOW

                                            Hummingbirds weigh less than a penny!

A hummingbird is the smallest of all birds. Some are no bigger than your thumb-and hat includes the billThese tiny birds are also great flyers. They can stay in one place in the air and fly forward, backward, sideways, or upside down. The birds go their name from the whirring sound their wings make as they dart through the air.

                                                           3)    DID YOU KNOW

                                             The blue whales heart is the size of a small car!

 Everything about the blue whale is gigantic. Its body weighs as much as 25 elephants, is as long as three buses, and is as high as a two story building! fifty people could stand on its tongue. Its stomach can hold more than a ton (1.1 t) of food. The blue whale is by far the biggest animal that ever lived

                                                           4)  DID YOU KNOW

                                                    A beaver never stops growing!

                                                      5)   DID YOU KNOW

                                               The basilisk lizard walks on water!